Thursday, June 2, 2011

Estes Park, Colorado to Black Hills country, South Dakota

Hello, mountains of the west ... I've missed you ...

We drove up from Denver, through Boulder (a lovely town - I may root for Colorado when they're not playing the Arizona Wildcats!) and then to Estes Park.  Pierre was relatively quiet most of the trip.  I think he was overwhelmed by the scenery.  I think I heard him muttering "sacre bleu" under his breath. 
At the top of the hill heading down to Estes Park, but wait, there's something wrong with the sign ...
"Imbecile!  Quit taking taking pictures and get me out of this thing!"

The water was very cold and running very quickly.  Not the ideal conditions for a finger puppet.

This free Public Service Announcement brought to you by the friends of Pierre!
The beautiful scenery seen from the car just went on and on ... making my friend a bit dizzy I believe.

We left Colorado and headed into Nebraska towards South Dakota ... this is apparently a horse on sentry duty watching to make sure we're ok.  I hear Pierre in the background saying "keep that monster away from me!"  Spent the night in Chadron, Nebraska.
Next day we headed up to South Dakota.  First, I wanted to get a look at the Badlands.  I put "Badlands" into the GPS, and it gave me directions to follow.  I assumed this would be to the park entrance, or an information center or something.  Actually, the GPS selected a location deep within the Badlands, and directed me to it.  The directions took me to a one-lane gravel road called "Sheep Mountain Road" which got kinda scary for my car after awhile (yes, I project feelings into cars as well as finger puppets!)
"Don't you think we should turn around now?"

We spent about an hour on this road ... then set off towards Mt. Rushmore ...

No Pierre on the list.  It was interesting taking pictures at Mt. Rushmore ... I kept Pierre hidden my pocket most of the time then would quickly pose him for pictures when other tourists weren't looking ... got a couple of weird looks, but still got some good pictures ...
Pierre resting beneath the presidents ...
"Sacre bleu!  They are huge!  Keep those monsters away from me!"
"Not so tough NOW are we?  The tables have turned, oh oh ohhhh!"

"When I am done here there will be not four but five faces on the mountain!"  (I don't know about you, but Lincoln looks kind of nervous about Pierre to me!)
Mt. Rushmore, Pierre, and shot glasses ... the perfect combination!
We went on the short but steep "Presidents Trail".  Pierre scoffed and said "I laugh at your pitiful definition of strenuous!  Let us try to run!"

20 minutes later, Pierre wasn't looking too good ...

"Oh noooo!  You should have carried me mon ami!"  (NOW I'm his friend ... actually I did carry him ... don't know what he is complaining about ...)

We got cleaned up, and went to Crazy Horse National Monument, about 15 miles away from Mt. Rushmore

The Crazy Horse monument is under construction.  This is a smaller-scale model of how it will look once it is completed.  As you can see, a huge version of Pierre will be constructed right by Crazy Horse's head ...
We went through Custer, SD, and went by "Bedrock Village", but it was closed. Pierre was bitterly disappointed -  "I very much wanted to meet the famous Fred Flintstone ... but keep that Dino away from me!!!"
As the sun went down, we set off for Deadwood, South Dakota for the evening.  There would be several miles to go ... and lots of deer wandering onto the highway to be avoided!  Hopefully we will continue to be wreck free until our next post!  Thanks for looking in!

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