Saturday, June 11, 2011

Glacier National Park, MT

A little product placement ... Pierre is a sellout to corporate America ...

Butte, Montana is an old mining town.  Seeing this kind of scenery makes me think about my old hometown in Morenci!

They even have a mountain with the letter "M" on it ... what the the ... The name of the town is Butte!!  There is no M in Butte!  Quit copying Morenci!

"They are doing it on purpose, mon ami ... to mess with you!  You should go confront them!"

In spite of Pierre's suggestion, we headed north towards Glacier Park ...

Even though Glacier Park is at a much lower elevation than Yellowstone, the scenery seems much more vertical ...

"Keep taking pictures, mon ami!  And this time the wildlife better watch out!"

There's a grizzly bear (the same one) in both of these photos.  You'll just have to trust me (or not).  "I for one, do not believe you" Pierre declares.  "And if I did, I would have to confront this great bear!"

Again, the scenery is beautiful, although a number of trees are damaged from insects ... a crisis in the forests of Glacier Park ...

At Glacier Park, water run-off from the mountains was a much more frequent occurrence than at Yellowstone ...

Although covered with fresh snow, these are our only pictures of a glacier we were able to get ... Jackson glacier.  "Put me down, mon ami, I can see it for myself!"  The glaciers have been getting smaller over the years and cannot be readily seen from most spots ...

Again, glacier in the distance ... on the right of the snowed-in area

Glacier underneath there

Silhouette of a pioneer in the American wilderness ...

Again, the scenery was extremely vertical ...

Just off of the National Park grounds, many horses wandered freely ... I think I hear a muffled "keep those monsters away from me!" from underneath the cup holder ...

Waterfalls were everywhere ...

"I am feeling very adventurous ... we should hike up this mountain ... you go first, mon ami!"

Because of the lower elevation of the lakes, the water was not frozen at Glacier Park ...

Yes, it was an exhausting day of traveling around and exploring ... and time to start traveling further in the direction of the West coast.  On to Oregon and beyond!  Take care, everybody!  More posts to come!

1 comment:

  1. Snow!? I'm sorry, but those photos are quite disconcerting. I think I noticed a sweater as well! *envy*
