Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The road to Eugene, Oregon

Leaving Glacier Park took us through lumberjack country ...

... and into Idaho and beyond ...

We stayed at a rest area in Idaho (Pierre slept through all of these pictures)

The scenery continued to be pretty through Idaho and eastern Washington ...

The windshield needed a little cleaning ... On the road, Pierre and I had lots of time on the road for conversing and getting to know each other.  I noticed that Pierre became very nervous at tourist spots where there were French speakers around.  At Old Faithful, for example, there was an older couple to our left who were speaking French.  Pierre was very quiet.  Later, Pierre admitted to me that he was not from France, but from the Island of Misfit Toys (of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer fame)!  This explains why Pierre's French vocabulary doesn't seem to be any bigger than mine.  (in fact, his French vocabulary turns out to be EXACTLY the same as mine!  Go figure!)


As we headed out of Washington into the Columbia River valley, it became very windy ...

The Coumbia River is very large ...

Pierre was impressed by the size of the river ...

... another Columbia River picture.  To get an idea of the scale, the island in the picture is about the size of Oahu.  (some of my comments are not strictly accurate).  We took several breaks as the wind was moving the car around like a matchbox.

We arrived in Eugene, Oregon, and just like everywhere else, brought generally sunny weather with us!

Eugene is the location of the University of Oregon, home of the fighting Ducks ...

Eugene was also a place with lots of people to visit.  This is Barbara and John McConnell.  Barbara is expecting twins due sometime in September!

John and I go way back, and have a long-standing paper football rivalry.  We met for a grudge match at a local donut shop.  To ensure a fair game, Pierre agreed to serve as referee ...
... it didn't take long for Pierre's on-the-field rulings to become unpopular with John, leading to a physical controntation ...

Penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct! 

Pierre continued his refereeing from a much safer vantage point.  In the end, he declared me the winner!

... making sure he's okay.
John has sci-fi action figures, which led to more conflict ...

... but in the end Pierre emerged victorious!

Pierre worked off tension by hitting the sauce ...

Pierre's drinking appears to have elicited concern from Becky Levell Cooper ...

The last night in Eugene, Pierre made more friends.  Here he is schmoozing with Talitha Vhe!

He also made friends with Hannah Beeching!

Another picture of Barbara and John ...

As we headed out of Eugene and into the beautiful Oregon scenery, we were grateful for good times and visits with good friends!  More posts to come!

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