Saturday, June 18, 2011

Crater Lake, OR - the Oregon and Northern California coast - Redwood Country, CA

Early morning traveling led to encountering beautiful Oregon high country ...

The northern route to Crater Lake was closed ...

... so we went the southern route, and encountered more beautiful scenery ...

... until we finally reached Crater Lake!

At 307 ft. deep, Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the U.S., and as you can see, very reflective ... unlike Pierre, who wanted to go sliding down the hill ...

Pierre did a good job taking this picture! 

"The danger sign does not scare me, mon ami!  Get closer to the edge!"

Another picture of the waters of Crater Lake ...

... then we headed downwards in elevation towards the coast ...

Medford, Oregon

As we got closer to the coast, Pierre began to notice the trees getting bigger ...

... and then we finally reached the Oregon coast!

"I don't know why you would have me pose here, mon ami, but that is fine with me!"

 "Now I see what you are doing, my treacherous friend!  Keep that monster away from me!"

There were lots of spectacular coastline views ...

Pierre felt that he would be the ideal choice for lifeguard on the coast.  "I would love to seet in one of those chairs and converse with the beautiful ladies!"  But, Pierre, do you even swim?  "You speak in riddles, mon ami!"

Brookings, OR

We soon encountered more redwoods ...

... and Paul Bunyan invited us to explore the "Mystery of the Trees".  Paul Bunyan really did talk - commenting on the people walking below, engaging them in conversation via loudspeaker, saying things like "hi there, person in the blue shirt, you enjoying that ice cream?"  It was kinda creepy (says the person who's made a finger puppet the main character on his blog)

Oh, Alex Baze, if you ever see this blog ... "Ewwww lumberjack!"  Long story ...

Shane!  Come back!  What, no one saw that movie?  Oh well ...

This is "cathedral tree".  Every so often a wedding ceremony is held here.  To get an idea of the scale, that person at the bottom is a real adult human being, not a finger puppet.

"I would sink down on my knees, but I have no knees!  Oh ohhh ohhhhhh!"

We took a tram ride to the top of the mountain

Pierre enjoying the trip high into the air

Great views were to be had at the top, including a view of the ocean ....

Picture of a traveler restraining a fellow traveler in the forest ...
Two friends in deep thought ...

"That message is for me, mon ami!"
As we continued south, we encountered the "Avenue of the Giants"

The trees just stretch into forever ...

We drove late into the night, heading towards San Francisco.  We encountered lots of redwoods, Pierre fell asleep, and arrived in Benicia, California about 1:30 in the morning.  We will catch up on our adventures in the Bay Area next chance we get!  Take care everybody!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, who's this "Ego" among your followers? I thought that was me!
