Thursday, June 9, 2011

Yellowstone National Park - Grand Teton National Park

It snowed in West Yellowstone the day before we got there.  It was a nice little town.  Crisp clear air with the smell of wood burning in fireplaces.  A Nice little cafe with a sweet Ukrainian waitress and Bison burgers.  Next morning we were ready to roll.  Anyways, so, Pierre, hold still while I take this picture ...
"I see what you are doing!  I'll be safer here!"

Okay, before moving on, I'd fallen behind on random Andrew pictures ... again, this is for Andrew's mom ...

"My face may not be in focus, but I am focused on the Yellowstone! I am prepared for anything!  Ooh ooh ooohhhh!"

We quickly discover that when there's a bunch of people congregated they just might be looking at something ... this time it is an eagle looking for a photo-op.  Pierre turns strangely silent.  So Pierre you are prepared for anything?  He only says "Just take the picture, mon ami"  I think he's suffering Post-Traumatic stress from his encounter with my cats!
A second eagle felt left out, and so we took a picture of that one ...

We ran across some buffalo wandering up a hillside ...

"Run away, you cowardly buffalo!  Pierre will be ready, on the other side of the river!"
"They are all afraid to face the great Pierre, no?"
Oh yeah, and the scenery was pretty good too ...

Buffalo with geysers in the background ... Pierre says "they are afraid to get too close to me!  Let us taunt them!"

Pierre didn't know that the buffalo would get a lot closer ...

Now's your chance, Pierre!  Show them what you're made of!  ... Pierre?   Pierre where did you go?

"Is the coast clear, mon ami?  I think that little one had its eyes on me!"

I didn't even tell Pierre about the wolf ...

We were in geyser country.  Pierre poses by the warning sign.  "As you know, mon ami, I laugh in the face of danger!  Some pitiful hot steam doesn't frighten me!"
"Closer? no ... I am fine here, mon ami".  So we set out to go see Old Faithful ...
"Hurry up and take the picture!  Pierre is getting cold!"
"I have heard so much about this Old Faithful, but I am not impressed!"
Ok, Pierre, time for you to take my picture ...  Pierre complains - "it is always about you, isn't it, my friend?"
"We are wasting our time, mon ami!  Nothing is going to come from this so-called geyser!"

"As I knew, quite impressive if we only wait ... you must learn to be more patient, mon ami!"
On to some waterfalls ...
"These should be called the Pierre Falls!  Just don't let Pierre fall!"

"Are you getting all of this?  Or must Pierre do everything!?! Oh ohhh ohhhhh!!!"

"Perhaps the water is not that hot ... I suggest you get in to test it ... I would myself but my beret would get wet!"

At 8,000 feet, the lakes in Yellowstone were still frozen
"This water here smells stinky!  This was not my doing!"  (the small pools smelled of sulphur)

"Keep those monsters away from me!"

Another waterfall photo-op ...

When we finally left Yellowstone Park, it was to the south in the direction of the Grand Tetons ...

"Those are some grand tetons!" Pierre shouts.

Pierre!  I told you to be respectful on my blog ...

"I only speak of the mountains, mon ami"

I'm sorry, Pierre.  I should have known you were only speaking of the mountains ...

"Yes, the mountains ... mountains that look just like some beeg titons, oh ohhh ohhhhh!!!"

I must apologize for the unacceptable behavior of my friend Pierre.

The beautiful scenery continued ...

When we finally left the Yellowstone/Teton area, we headed north towards Butte, Montana, with the goal of eventually traveling towards Glacier National Park in Montana.  More pictures to come!  Pierre and I wish you all a wonderful day!

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