Monday, May 30, 2011

Denver, CO - Scenes from ABAI Convention

          There are a thousand stories on these tough city streets ... 

First off, congratulations to Andrew and Ruth!  Hey everybody, this is what a great guy Andrew is:  HE called ME on HIS wedding day, a few minutes before he went off to the ceremony ... in addition to being incredibly touched that he'd even think of me, I just have to say:  who's that nice?  I don't know if in the same situation a lifetime ago I even thought to contact people at that moment.  As before, my best wishes to you both!  And Pierre sends a tip of his beret to you!
And, speaking of Pierre, he had a blast at this year's ABAI convention in Denver, as evidenced by the photographic evidence:

Pierre and Emily Sandoz! (Kate Kellum and Jeffrey Oliver in the background)

Pierre with new friends A.C. Rodriguez and Lindsey Clark!

Pierre and Allie Maynard!
Pierre using his charms on Kate Kellum!

Pierre whispering the secrets of psychology and behavior analysis to Timothy Weil!

Alisha Wray explaining the finer points of her UNM dissertation to Pierre!

Pierre always enjoys a spirited debate!

Things became heated when Pierre insulted my ex-advisor, Mike Dougher.  They are engaged in an argument about "covert behavior".  Actually, Pierre doesn't disagree with Mike, he just wants him to pronounce "covert" "co-vair".

But in the end, Pierre's charms win the day!

Sam Leigland also came to a "meeting of the minds" with Pierre ... (as you can see, Pierre had been drinking) ... they are discussing the challenge of behavior analysts studying behavior that occurs "under the skin".  Pierre dismisses the question, saying "I am but cloth, and have no skin ... you explain that to me, oh oh ohhh!"
Pierre once again looking out on the streets of Denver as we prepare to leave to the next step of our adventure.  He is already planning a talk for the next convention in Seattle 2012:  "Revisiting B.F. Skinner:  why the question of free will presents no challenge to a finger puppet"

I've noticed a very strange pattern:  when I have something alcoholic to drink, Pierre always has more to say!

Thanks to everyone pictured in this entry for being such a good sport!   I actually did have a blast this ABAI, and look forward to seeing a bunch of y'all next year at Seattle!

For you fans of scenery, there should be a lot more of those pictures as my road trip continues ... on to the Badlands, Mt. Rushmore, and beyond!

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