Saturday, May 28, 2011

Oklahoma City, OK, then Great Bend, KS, then Denver, CO

OK!  After two days and of traveling, exploring, and visiting with friends, Pierre and I have arrived in Denver, CO for the Association for Behavior Analysis convention.  As this picture shows, the weather was absolutely perfect for the trip - just as requested.  Just two days before, much of the territory we traveled was the home of terrible storms and tornadoes - of course our prayers to all the people impacted by the weather.

Some of you have asked - why does Pierre get top billing when I do all the work on the blog?  Simply put, he wouldn't have it any other way.  I tell you, when you travel 1,350 miles with someone, you really get to know them.  Sometimes I think that I know what he's thinking before he says anything!  And it wasn't easy! We left the middle of the night Wednesay night/Thursday morning, and Pierre appeared to sleep most of the way, occasionally barking "Keep your eyes on the road, my friend!"  He left crumbs all over the seat - ("I'm on vacation" he said).  He argued with the GPS ( "who died and made YOU navigator?"  he said).  But overall, it went fine, and we arrived in OKC around 6 on Thurs.

                                                                    Lake Dallas, TX

                                                            Somewhere in Oklahoma

Pierre stayed in the car while I had dinner with Kevin and Jill Bernis.  We ate at a great pizza place, and they were nice enough to let us stay at their house - a huge, beautiful 4 bedroom house.  Oh, before I continue ...

This picture has nothing to do with what's happened with me the last two days, but I want people to read the blog.  This goes out to Andrew's mom - see if you read the blog, you never know when you'll run across a random picture of your son!  Also, Andrew, I'll be thinking about you today, as this is your wedding day, and that is bigger than anything we're doing out here in Denver!  Best wishes for the perfect ceremony!

                                          Jill Bernis on Friday morning

Apparantly, Jill and Kevin had quite a scare when the tornado appeared to be heading for the house earlier in the week, but everything turned out (Oklahoma) OK for them. On Friday, by the time final preparations were being made for the trip, Kevin had already gone to work.  Pierre and I were on the road by 8. 

                                          Kansas small town scenery

                                          Ellsworth, KS I believe ...

Traveling on a Kansas highway, we passed a farmhouse with a sign out front - "T & A auction today."  Pierre said "Reeck, you should have brought more spending money, no?"

I apologize for Pierre's rude behavior.  In the words of David Greenway, see what I have to contend with?

We arrived in Great Bend, KS at 12:20 for lunch with Shannon Smith.  This time, Pierre felt sociable.

                 As you can see, Pierre can be quite the charmer!

Unfortunately, he has a knack for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, leading the normally gentle Shannon to lose her temper!

                     She felt bad about it, and asked for forgiveness ...

                                          "Reunited, and it feels so good ..."

And everything is right with the world!?! (who's that guy, and what's he doing to Pierre?)

After an oil change for the car, Pierre continued our travels through west Kansas ...

                                          typical west Kansas scenery

To break up the monotony, we made an unscheduled stop ...

Pierre was a bit outraged.  "I can't believe that you celebrate vermin in this!!"

But I like prairie dogs, I said.  They're cute.

"They are a menace!  Just like your cats!  Everyone says how cats are so cute ... Assasins!!"

What happened between you and the cats anyway?

"I wish to speak of this no more!"

So, in any case, we went in, looked at the animals. 

The donkey seemed to want to be pet, but then would show it's teeth when I got too close ... I was afraid it wanted a piece of Pierre.  Can you imagine the disaster?  "Stay away from me donkey ... NOOO!  Let me go!  Sacre bleu!"

                                                    "Keep that monster away from me!"
                        Once again, things ended on a heartwarming note ...

Finally, we moved on and made our way into Colorado ...

As you can see, Pierre will keep making friends, and I'll keep taking pictures!  Until next time!

By the way, if you read this all the way through, you are one silly person!

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